Namata Natoune, farmer and producer, works on her field
Namata Natoune, farmer and producer, works on her field

Burkina Faso

Country programme

What we do

Burkina Faso is characterised by widespread poverty, a lack of basic infrastructure and a very young population. Internal destabilisation caused by violent conflicts and the impact of climate change are exacerbating the emergency this Sahelian country is already facing. Caritas Switzerland has been working in Burkina Faso since 2020, protecting migrants, assisting displaced persons, promoting agricultural development and strengthening the resilience of rural populations.

Migration and income generation are the main themes Caritas Switzerland is working on in Burkina Faso. Agricultural development, in particular, offers great potential. To help improve it, while protecting the environment at the same time, numerous research projects and innovative approaches are being carried out. Caritas Switzerland intends to exploit this potential for innovation to develop market systems and create new jobs, especially for young people, and to increase income for the poorest.

National and international migration means migrants and internally displaced persons are leaving, returning to and transiting within the country. Growing insecurity is reducing circular migration of the workforce and causing a significant increase in the number of internally displaced persons. With regards to these people, Caritas Switzerland focuses on social and economic integration, with the aim of improving their living conditions and future prospects, as well as those of their families. Through systemic and holistic approaches, it combats extreme poverty with long-term solutions. Interventions enable particularly vulnerable families to overcome economic poverty and help strengthen the capacity of communities to cope with external shocks.

The projects in Burkina Faso are mainly implemented through local partners, in close cooperation with other Caritas Switzerland programmes in the Sahel. As part of its work in Burkina Faso, Caritas Switzerland is also involved in networks of international organisations operating in the field and in thematic working groups. Its ambition is to play a multiplier role, using existing engagement to build trust and help find innovative solutions.



  • Caritas enables youth, women, smallholders and other vulnerable people to increase their income thanks to improved skills and a more inclusive agricultural market system.
  • Smallholders, and other value chain actors, have gained access to the information, tools and services needed to improve the production and processing of sustainable products and nutritious food as well as market-related services and business contacts to enter higher added-value markets.


  • By covering basic needs and socio-economic inclusion refugees and migrants are better protected and contribute increasingly to their self-sufficiency and development in the countries of origin, transit and destination.
  • Migrants and refugees having access to social and economic services to enhance inclusion.
  • Protection of migrants and refugees is enhanced and their basic needs are covered through access to cash, goods and services.


  • Engagement in the country since: 2020
  • Our main partners: Caritas Burkina (OCADES), Catholic Relief Service, Welthungerhilfe
  • Our main donors: European Union*, Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC)

*This is funded/co-funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Caritas Switzerland and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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Lena Edouard

Programme Director

Head OfficeLucerne, Switzerland

+41 41 419 23

Fabrizio De Giorgio Ferrari Trecate

Country Director

Country OfficeOuagadougou, Burkina Faso

+226 54 38 12

Header image: Namata Natoune, farmer and producer, works on her field © John Kalapo