Mamadou Tapily from Mali irrigates his field
Mamadou Tapily from Mali irrigates his field

Cantons, cities and municipalities

Contribute to a more equitable world

Cantons, cities and municipalities are important partners for Caritas Switzerland. As commissioning bodies and as donors. Get involved, together with us, in providing emergency relief in disasters or work with us longer-term in development cooperation in order to fight poverty sustainably. We use your donation effectively. 

Make a contribution to fighting poverty 

You want to be actively engaged on behalf of your citizens, to help disadvantaged people in the world and to use the available funds efficiently? We will be glad to support you in this responsible task. Whether you support a project just once or longer-term - every contribution is valuable. 

Achieving goals together 

Your partnership with Caritas Switzerland 

We not only fight symptoms but change the system. Thanks to our political commitment and scientifically robust groundwork we reduce poverty sustainably in Switzerland and worldwide. 

How your donation helps



have benefited directly from a project




benefited directly from a project




benefit from climate adaptation measures




could meet their basic needs in a humanitarian crisis


Donation information

Caritas Switzerland
6000 Luzern
IBAN: CH69 0900 0000 6000 7000 4
Vermerk: Projektname

Further information


Sara Tschopp

Sara Tschopp

Institutional Fundraising

+41 41 419 24

Header image: Mamadou Tapily from Mali irrigates his field © John Kalapo