Caritas Switzerland is actively involved worldwide, whether in acute emergency relief or longer-term projects
Caritas Switzerland is actively involved worldwide, whether in acute emergency relief or longer-term projects

Churches, parishes and monasteries 

Offer help as a parish, congregation, monastic community or church-related organisation

Do you want to support social projects in Switzerland and worldwide? We are the partner you can trust – whether for urgent emergency relief or longer-term projects. Your support is a valuable contribution so we can help effectively and carry the ideas of Caritas out into the world. 

Achieving goals together 

Your partnership with Caritas Switzerland

We not only fight symptoms but change the system. Thanks to our political commitment and scientifically robust groundwork we reduce poverty sustainably in Switzerland and worldwide. 

Caritas and refugee Sunday

Caritas Sunday 

On Caritas Sunday in August, all parishes in Switzerland hold, at the request of the bishops, collections for the work of Caritas Switzerland. Each year, the focus is on a different theme. 

Refugee days / Refugee Sunday 

The refugee days take place in Switzerland on the third weekend of June. This also includes the Caritas Refugee Sunday. The collection on this Sunday helps people who have left their homeland because of need or desperation. About one month beforehand, you can find documents for the church service on this page, but only in german, french and italian.

How your donation helps



have benefited directly from a project




benefited directly from a project




benefit from climate adaptation measures




could meet their basic needs in a humanitarian crisis


Donation information

Caritas Switzerland 
6000 Lucerne 
IBAN CH69 0900 0000 6000 7000 4 
Note: Project name 

Further information


Patrizia Stähli

Responsible corporate partnerships

+41 41 419 22

Header image: Caritas Switzerland is actively involved worldwide, whether in acute emergency relief or longer-term projects © Alexandra Wey