Ernährungssicherheit trotz Klimawandel - ökologischer Anbau in Uganda
Ernährungssicherheit trotz Klimawandel - ökologischer Anbau in Uganda

Climate Policy

Facing the consequences of the climate crisis

Switzerland has a high level of resource consumption which is harmful to the climate. It therefore has a responsibility to act. Caritas seeks to ensure that Switzerland supports people in the Global South who are suffering most as a result of the climate crisis. At the same time, the domestic climate targets must be achieved in a socially compatible way, especially because low-income households have less impact on the climate.

We are actively engaged in the following themes

  • Systematic and rapid reduction of the CO2 emissions caused by Switzerland at home and abroad
  • Fair international climate funding
  • Climate protection that is not implemented at the expense of poverty reduction in the Global South
  • No additional financial burden on people affected by poverty as a result of climate measures taken in Switzerland

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More information


Fachstelle Entwicklungs- und Klimapolitik, Caritas Schweiz

Angela Lindt

Head of Development and Climate Policy advisory service

+41 41 419 23

Header image: Food security despite climate change - ecological farming in Uganda © John Kalapo