Medicor Foundation
The Medicor Foundation has supported our project work in various project countries for many years, not only financially but also with practical advice. This long-term partnership enables planning certainty and is marked by mutual trust.
Ernst Göhner Foundation
Together with the Ernst Göhner Foundation, Caritas Switzerland supports the social participation of people who live at or below the poverty line. The KulturLegi makes cultural, educational, sports and health offers affordable for people affected by poverty in Switzerland and promotes their integration into social life. The valuable and long-term commitment of the Ernst Göhner Foundation supports Caritas in the fight against poverty.
Fondation Philanthropique Famille Sandor
In Switzerland and abroad, the Fondation Phlanthropique Famille Sandoz supports Caritas Switzerland projects that reflect its values and meet their goals:to contribute to a more creative, just and sustainable world.
Other partners
Alfred Richterich Stiftung
The list of partners is not conclusive. We would be pleased to hear from you.

Nina Zenklusen
Co-Head Fundraising and Marketing - Institutional FundraisingFoundations, cantons, cities, municipalities
+41 41 419 22 87nzenklusen@caritas.ch
Header image: Schoolchildren in Cambodia © Nicolas Honore