Improved health and protection for refugees and returnees from Sudanfinished
Together with the local partners ADA and Caritas Juba, child protection assistance, GBV prevention and treatment and access to medical care shall address most critical needs of conflict affected people arriving from Sudan in Renk, Upper Nile State, and in Gorom Camp, Juba.
Humanitarian Aid
436'516 Swiss francs
Renk County, Upper Nile State, and Gorom Camp, Juba
Target groups 1000 children assisted, 200 adults supported, and 3000 persons reached through awareness sessions in Renk; 8’000 refugees assisted with medical support and 500 children benefitting from a safe space in Gorom Refugee Camp.
Project in detail
Further projectsCommitment to a world without poverty
This project is financed by:
- Swiss Solidarity
Header image: The majority of the residents of the Gorom camp are women or children. The food parcels ensure that they have enough to eat for a while. © Caritas Juba