Einblick in das Projekt REMARKET in der Ukraine, Bäckerin Oksana erhält Unterst�ützung
Einblick in das Projekt REMARKET in der Ukraine, Bäckerin Oksana erhält Unterstützung

New perspectives for internally displaced people in Ukraine


Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which has already lasted three years, has had a strong negative impact on the economic situation of people, businesses and on the country as a whole. A new Caritas project aims to improve market access and promote the economic self-determination of the project participants.

The stories of Oleksandr, Volodymyr and Oksana show how the project is already having a very real impact on the lives of Ukrainians.

Market analysis as a basis for targeted support

The project is based on comprehensive analyses of various economic sectors, which our team in Ukraine is conducting together with the Swiss National Spark Fund: Which markets in Ukraine have the greatest growth potential? How can this potential be exploited? And in which sectors is there a shortage of personnel? Answers to these and other questions help us to tailor the measures precisely.

A wide range of activities
  • Entrepreneurs will receive financial support in the form of wage subsidies for three months.
  • Various activities will help to train and qualify new professionals for the identified sectors.
  • Tailored loans for internally displaced persons, returnees and host communities will improve access to financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • The injection of new financial resources will promote market activities in the selected sectors.
  • Together with Spark and Ukrainian banks, we are planning a new, innovative financial instrument.
Towards an economically stable future

By combining the various aspects and perspectives, we can initiate sustainable positive changes in the Ukrainian labor market, strengthen companies and contribute to the economic stability of the country.

More information

Header image: Einblick in das Projekt REMARKET in der Ukraine, Bäckerin Oksana erhält Unterstützung © Caritas Ukraine