Die regionalen Caritas-Organisationen setzen sich für armutsbetroffene Menschen in der Schweiz ein, unabhängig von Nationalität und Weltanschauung. Damit leisten sie einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur sozialen Integration.
Die regionalen Caritas-Organisationen setzen sich für armutsbetroffene Menschen in der Schweiz ein, unabhängig von Nationalität und Weltanschauung. Damit leisten sie einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur sozialen Integration.

Regional Caritas

There are 16 independent regional Caritas Organisations in Switzerland that implement some projects with Caritas Switzerland. 

There are 16 independent regional Caritas Organisations in Switzerland. They are involved in social projects in their local area level. Together with Caritas Switzerland, they are actively engaged, for example, in the campaign to «Halve poverty», in debt counselling, the Caritas Markets and the KulturLegi. The regional Caritas Organisations are active in supporting people affected by poverty in Switzerland, irrespective of nationality and belief. They thus make an important contribution to social integration. 


All regional Caritas Organisations can be seen on the map. Click on a location and you can see the coordinates of the selected organisation. 

*certified by Zewo

Figures for the Caritas network






of volunteer work






training places


Further information

Header image: The Regional Caritas Organisations are active in supporting people affected by poverty in Switzerland irrespective of nationality and belief. They thus make an important contribution to social integration.