Social welfare counselling
People living in poverty or near the poverty threshold struggle with a range of difficulties. Especially in situations that seem hopeless, it can be a great relief to get professional help.
In the consultations offered by the Regional Caritas Organisations, social workers elaborate solutions together with the clients. The aim is to sustainably improve their living situation. In some cases, Caritas also offers bridging assistance in the event of financial bottlenecks. For example, for corrective dental work for children from families affected by poverty.
Social welfare counselling in your region
A qualified team of social workers advises, informs and supports people on social and financial questions. This is based on the principle of promoting self-empowerment.
The services of social counselling offered by Caritas are free of charge. They supplement the services of the public sector and social insurance. The social workers are bound by confidentiality. Contacts with the authorities and other persons involved are only made with the consent and at the request of those affected.
Most Regional Caritas Organisations offer social counselling. If this is not the case, Caritas can refer the client to another appropriate body in the region.
Legal support for specialist agencies
Employees of the members of the umbrella organisation for debt advice in Switzerland receive specialist legal advice on specific questions relating to their work with clients.
Specific advice offers
Header image: Insight into a social counselling session © Thomas Plain