Une fillette au Tchad
Une fillette au Tchad


Changing lives and creating future opportunities with a regular commitment

With a sponsorship, you give long-term and specific support to people in need. Your donation is for children, women and men who need your help.

Child and theme sponsorhips 1 franc per day

Your advantages as a sponsor

  • You are close to the projects.
  • You dan donate specifically for an issue that you feel strongly about.
  • You receive a report each year or a magazine in which we show you how your donation was used.
  • You feel assured that your regular donation enables continuity in the projects.
Patin Lisbeth Keiser
«With my sponsorship, I can make a small contribution to help balance out the many injustices in this world.»Lisbeth KeiserSponsor

Stories Sponsorships change lives

Find out how sponsorships improve the lives of those affected.

How your sponsorship helps



benefited directly from a project




of all the people supported while fleeing were children




received help in a disaster situation




received protection against discrimination and neglect


Further information


Hamdije Djaferi

Hamdije Djaferi

Administration of Sponsorships

+41 41 419 23 19patenschaften@caritas.ch

Header image: Girl in Chad © Fabian Biasio