youngCaritas is the youth section of Caritas and is aimed at adolescents and young adults between the ages of 16 and 30.
Who youngCaritas is
Together we stand up for social justice, diversity, tolerance and sustainability. We believe in the potential of young people who make a positive difference and shape society through passion and creativity.
Learn more about youngCaritas
What youngCaritas offers
In addition to knowledge, youngCaritas offers opportunities and resources to actively participate in projects and implement your own ideas. We are convinced that we can achieve great things if we work together.
We provide information material, organise training sessions and answer enquiries on Caritas topics. For schools and youth groups, we conduct school visits and workshops and provide teaching materials.
Get active
We offer volunteer placements in various regions, nationwide projects or at the European level and give young people the opportunity to actively participate in the planning and implementation of our services.
Project funding
We support independent projects of young people with financial help, advice or services. At the youngCaritas Award we annually honour social and sustainable projects.
Fair Camp
Fair Camp stands for sustainability in youth camps. As part of this project, we are committed to making a sustainable lifestyle a matter of course for children and young people. The project supports youth camps and their leadership teams with workshops and documentation.
Where youngCaritas exists
youngCaritas is active at Caritas Switzerland and at the following regional Caritas organisations: Zurich, Bern, Basel and Aargau.