What we do
In Cambodia, the impacts of climate change and disasters are further eroding livelihoods and exacerbating migration. The future of the country depends on decreasing its vulnerability to climate change and on creating sustainable livelihoods for the poor. Caritas Switzerland in Cambodia is dedicated to address the underlying drivers of poverty. Our core themes are increasing the income of vulnerable people, building the resilience of communities and their adaptation to climate variability and change, and safe migration. Caritas Switzerland’s country programme targets communities most affected by disaster, poverty, and migration in north-western provinces bordering Thailand. Caritas Switzerland works towards a Cambodia in which human development is for everyone.
Climate-smart livelihoods: The programme builds the capacity of rural communities that face water-related extremes and climatic stress. Adapted rice-varieties and diversification of livelihoods enhance productivity and income of smallholder farmers. Improved water infrastructure (canals, ponds) and the application 'Integrity Management Toolbox for Irrigation Systems' empowers the water user groups to develop and sustain a reliable and equitable water systems that ensures access to water for irrigation and household purposes. Blue Schools combine Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in an innovative manner.
Safe Migration: Cambodia is one of the most important sending countries in South East Asia. Particularly in the border region with Thailand, Caritas’ main area of operation, legal and illegal migration shapes the daily lives of families. Caritas works to raise awareness on the possibilities of legal and well-planned migration. The approach combines prevention, protection and reintegration.
Income: Poverty reduction and the promotion of prosperity are the overall objectives of all activities. Caritas helps disadvantaged children and young people through a high-quality basic education and vocational training. The measures are the key to overcoming poverty as they eventually increase employability and prospects of the beneficiaries.
Working through local structures: Through working with local partners, Caritas Switzerland aims to build ownership to ensure the sustainability of the projects. A key component in this is supporting civil society actors to link with local government, and to engage in advocacy aimed at creating long-lasting changes in governance.
Caritas enables youth, minorities, smallholders and other vulnerable people to increase their income thanks to improved skills and a more inclusive agricultural market system.
- Smallholders, and other value chain actors, have gained access to information, tools, and services needed to improve the production and processing of sustainable products and nutritious food as well as marketrelated services and business contacts to enter higher added-value markets.
- Youth, minorities, and other vulnerable people, have gained access to high-quality non-formal and formal vocational skills development.
Climate Change
Livelihoods are sustainably secured thanks to a management of natural resources which is adapted to climate variability and change and takes the health of supporting eco-systems into account.
- Agriculture and natural resource management are based on quantitative data, such as weather stations and climate services.
By covering basic needs and access to education and job opportunities refugees and migrants are better protected and contribute increasingly to their self-sufficiency and development in the countries of origin, transit and destination.
- Migrants and refugees having access to social and economic services to enhance inclusion.
- Protection of migrants and refugees is enhanced and their basic needs are covered through access to cash, goods and services.
- Engagement in the country since: 2001
- Our main partners: The NGO Forum on Cambodia, ChildSafe Network, Swiss Business-NGO-SDC Partnership Forum, National Committee for Counter Trafficking, National Committee for Disaster Management, Friends international, BORDA, Damnok Toek, Social Environment Agricultural Development Organization (SEADO), Partnership Program for the Protection of Children (3PC)
- Our main donors: European Union*, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), City of Zurich, Canton of Zurich Lottery Fund, Leopold Bachmann Foundation, Ursula Zindel-Hilti Foundation
*This is funded/co-funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Caritas Switzerland and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
- Social-media:

Country Strategy Cambodia 2021-2025
in English
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Water, Integrity, Climate
Scoping Study on Irrigation Systems Management in Cambodia, exploring potential Roles for NGOs in Multilateral Climate Change Programme Funding.
Download (pdf, 682.39 KB)
Back to School!
Quality Teaching and Happy Learning in a Healthy Environment
Download (pdf, 299.45 KB)Contacts

Header image: Cambodia 2020 © Nicolas Honore